Today the entire Castos team is excited to share a big new update to the way that you can manage the Private Podcast subscribers in your Castos dashboard.
Previously the addition and management of Private Subscribers was done in the podcast Settings -> Distribution tab. But we quickly realized that as Private Podcasting is such a vital part of how many of you are managing your podcasts on Castos that this area deserved its own page within the dashboard.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Next time you log into your Castos dashboard you’ll see a brand new top navigation item of “Subscribers. Here if you don’t yet have a Private Podcast on Castos you’ll see an informational screen about why they’re so great (of course), and if you do have a Private Podcast you’ll see loads of new info about those Private Subscribers.
Here’s a quick walkthrough from Matt Medeiros, our Director of Podcaster Success, on how to best utilize the new Subscribers dashboard within Castos.
For a more detailed walkthrough of how to add new individual Private Subscribers to your Private Podcast check out our help doc here.
And towards the bottom of the Subscribers dashboard, you’ll see some additional information about our Castos Academy. If you’ve not visited the Academy yet you’re in for a treat.

In the Academy you’ll find hours and hours of entirely free video content from our team on everything podcasting: gear, setup, marketing your show, how to get started, distribution to all the directories your show needs to be in, and even a way for you to experience Private Podcasting for yourself with our very own private show.
We hope you enjoy this new, enhanced way to manage the Private Subscribers in your Private Podcast. We really do believe that this is the future of podcasting, and is such a powerful way to create meaningful connection to your biggest fans.